
10 sentences

1. My friends said college classes are very diffcult because there is lots of homework.

2. Joe is repeating his classes because of his GPA this quarter.

3. Despite being very tired, he has to finish his eassy before 12:00.

4. Although the classes are boring, we have to come to school every day.

5. We have to come to school every day unless the school told us you don't have to come to school.

6. I am sleeping while my friend is taking classes.

7. It will spend a lot of money if I use new text books.

8. My friends seldom sleep before 1:00.

9. I won't play video games as long as I go to college.

1 条评论:

  1. #1 s-v agreement
    #2 verb tense
    #3 Despite + noun
    #6 verb error
    #7 take is not the correct word
    Your last sentence is confusing
