
I'm Edward

     Hi, my name is WangXiangYou. I'll be happy if you call me Edward. I'm from China. Xuzhou is the city where I live. I like to play video games and hang out with my friends. I play video games everyday. If you like playing video games also, we'll be good friends. I have been Seattle for 1 year. I like it's quiet and peaceful, but I hate the weather. It always rains. I come to this class because I really need to improve my writing skills. Sometimes I go to forum to see some news. I have traveled to Los Angles, and I had lots of fun. I plan to travel to another place this year. If you want to also, let me know, we can organise a group for trip.

2 条评论:

  1. What video games would you like to play?
    where have you traveled in los angles?
